Chaos in the House- Twitter Madness


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I have spent the last week on twitter, something i have never done before, messaging people, complaining and basically having a rant and rave about the #Debacle going on. This is really my first foray into Twitter and it is fascinating how quickly some people respond. I assume they have not much else to do with their life or it may be the fact they are deeply worried for the future, i do hope its the latter as they should be.

It has been  a strange week, Jacob Rees-Mogg doing a complete u-turn and now supporting the PM, Jeremy Corbyn calling Theresa May at PM questions a “Stupid Woman” and then informing the house that he actually said “Stupid People” in a failed attempt to deflect the attention. Opposition leaders calling for a vote of no confidence all in an attempt to bring down the government, none of which seems to have had any effect. The SNP are fueling the debate for their own agenda at every opportunity and whilst they cant be blamed for it,  it is the MP’s who’s constituents voted to leave that are to blame and should be held accountable.

It is clear now that the EU are not willing to renegotiate the deal that is on the table and are using the #Debacle to their advantage,  again no-one can actually blame them, when you think you have the upper hand in negotiations you use it, the risk is however that this can backfire. No deal scenarios are being looked at all over the EU at the moment and the outlook is not good for anyone. Is it possible that the deals the EU reached with other countries on trade etc are null and void or not needed because of the break up of the EU, remember the UK was a key member of the EU and that was sometimes a deciding factor in some of their decisions, so what will happen to all the deals the EU signed? This is a question no one is asking at the moment as it is not seen as a priority. Look at Canada for instance , the UK is consistently in the top 5 largest trading partners and by far the biggest in Europe, if the UK leaves how long before Canada start questioning the need for CETA as it will be truly a one sided agreement i think without the UK.

I still am of the opinion that we were stronger together, this is one of the longest period of peace Europe has seen, because we are all intertwined and reliant on each other economically and the free movement of people have broken down some barriers, not all, as a racist or a bigot will always be a racist or bigot unless we can educate them otherwise.

I am however of the firm belief that the country voted to leave and that is what must happen despite our reservations doubts and fears and i applaud The PM (who wanted to remain in Europe) for the work she has done to date to try to implement the will off the people . I also applaud the people standing up for their rights to change their mind and calling for a new vote as they believe that this is the right course of action, unfortunately life has taught us all that we dont always get what we want and we have to live with the consequences of our decisions. The people in the UK voted to leave in 2016 for the right or wrong reasons but that is in-fact what they voted for and must be respected. I have enormous sympathy for those who feel they were mislead / lied to during the referendum, but remember this, the same people who are screaming the loudest now are some of the same people who mislead the country. The PM on the other hand wanted to remain but is trying to deliver a Brexit for the people regardless of her own opinions, how many MP’s can say they are doing the same?

It is less than one week to Christmas and i only wish Santa could help sort this #Debacle out, but only the MP’s can, so it looks like it will not be a Merry Christmas and Certainly not a Happy New Year

On a final note as i write this i see that our cousins in the USA avoided a government shutdown and whilst i think that is a good thing,  i question the need for the US public to endure this #Debacle every time. it is only political posturing and playing with Peoples lives and it must stop.

Wishing it was going to be an enjoyable festive season 

RANT 2 – No Change more #Debacle


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So the European Union have started to dig their heels in and wont help the UK PM out, no surprise there. It is hard to comprehend what was else was to be expected. The EU see the UK in complete disarray and will take advantage of it for sure (we cant blame them for that). Those MP’s who are forcing this #debacle on all of us should hang their head in shame. Whether you are in the #leave, #peoplesvote or #remain camp, no doubt today everyone can understand that we are the laughing stock of the political world. Our entire democracy is at stake, we now have a PM who cannot achieve anything, MP’s baying for blood and the real potential of a no deal scenario on our doorstep.

There is no good solution to this, we are now in an extremely weak position and whatever happens next the UK has lost all of its bargaining power, most of its political influence and the uncertain future will drive our economy into the ground. Those people who think anyone else could have negotiated a better deal are in my opinion sadly mistaken. The opposition are not fit to govern the country and in any event do not have a majority of support. So where do we go from here?

We are heading into an un chartered territory where there is no way for our country to have an effective government and that saddens me deeply.

Being British used to mean something, whilst we always had differences what was always steadfast was our resolve to stand together during difficult times. The country, because of the Politicians is becoming more divided than ever and that worries me. I know the SNP are ecstatic at this #debacle, as they think it will give them an opportunity to try to get another referendum, however the UK and the people of the UK are strong only when we stand together, division creates hatred and resentment and i for one will remember those members who are fueling this division every day and hope the rest of the country does as well.

Extremely worried and concerned British Citizen

Thankfully Its not only us



As much as i am British, i have always loved US politics, it can be brutal at times but there always seemed to be a bit of mutual respect for the President, even by those who strongly disagreed with him. The US is going through its own political debacle, but nothing winds me up more than a President being happy to SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN. Who in their right mind thinks that is acceptable, to shut the government down, i believe involves people either not being paid or paid only a % of their salary. Pardon the expression but WTF Mr President. This may be ok for you but for people with families that is not acceptable under any circumstances.

The meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer (link below) turned into a pre-pubescent teenage style argument with the dad “Mr VP” looking at them confused and uncomfortable at the stupidity.




As the saying goes God Bless the USA. 





Dear Members of the House of Parliament

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I am an avid follower of the debates in the house and politics in general, even though I now reside outside the UK. I must say however, that I am astounded and embarrassed as a British Citizen by the conduct of a large number of Members of the House. We, the British Public have already had our say in the referendum and again in the subsequent general election where Mrs May was elected Prime Minister. Those that want another referendum or a General Election are merely doing so for their own self-serving interests regardless of the harm they are doing to the economy and the global influence the UK has enjoyed for centuries.

I would like to make one thing crystal clear, the public voted and it is the constitutional duty of the Members of the House to act on that and not as they are doing. Whilst debate and challenge is an important part of our democracy and should always be encouraged, the childlike debates going on at present make a mockery of our system not only in the eyes of the British Public, but that of the world in general and I am frankly fed up with it. The House of Parliament is now being seen globally, as almost as big a joke as Mr Trump, something I never thought was possible.

If, we allow this debacle to continue any longer, the country as a whole will face in my humble opinion, the worst economic disaster in our history. At present the credibility of our country, our currency and our democracy is at stake and it is incumbent upon all Members of the House to act if good faith and for the benefit of the country as whole United Kingdom.

We all know that the country was deeply divided during the referendum and that parts of the country voted to remain, I am in fact one of those people who believe remain was the better choice for the country, however the people voted to leave and I believe that must be adhered to. I hear a lot of public and Members of the House talk about misinformation during the referendum and yes that may be true, but a lot of the same people who were responsible for that misinformation are the main culprits in this debacle.

As I have pointed out, the majority of the country voted to leave, that is what should happen now and the Members of the House should respect that.

However unpalatable as it is, to break the deadlock there needs to be some movement from all parties and I have the following proposal.

  1. Vote in the house for a new Referendum.
  2. Make public the Members individual vote.
  3. If the vote passes in the house to hold a new referendum, the following should apply:-
    1. Those Members who voted yes and their constituents still vote to leave should resign immediately and forfeit any pension or other benefits they are entitled to. This will help cover the costs of this as they clearly did not have their constituents interests at heart and why should the tax payer pay again.
  4. If the vote fails, then this gives the government the green light to move forward with the deal, no more debate no more nonsense, the Members of the House get  behind the government and show a united front, this is what gives bargaining power, not division.

The above option will clearly show the Members of the House who actually believe that the people of their constituency have changed their mind and may make them actually engage with their constituents before voting for a new referendum and will give a clear indication of what the country is thinking.

Whilst this is potentially workable, I am also concerned about the larger implications, the Members of the House have to take responsibility for the division they are causing in this country, instead of their duty to unite it. I have a deep fear that the longer this does go on, the inevitable question on Scottish Independence comes up again, even though the Scottish people voted to stay part of the UK, the SNP will use this as an excuse to try to get another vote. The Scottish people were told it was a once in a generation vote, but this debacle will be used as an excuse and we may possibly see the country actually divided.

Yours Sincerely

Concerned British Citizen

Introduction and Rant 1

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I am just a normal British Citizen who happens to live abroad.

I have been watching the debacle in the UK and the USA over the past year and have eventually found myself at a point where i need to vent. The UK is descending into a farce and actually may already be there. I am astounded at the childish and self serving behaviour of some of the Politicians in the UK and their actions in my opinion could cause a complete collapse of the UK.  At best the UK is becoming the laughing stock of the international community, secondly only to the US President. If they keep going they may actually overtake him, something which i would never have thought possible.

Rant 1 over – i have actually decided to write to the UK parliament, No 10 directly as well as some Members of parliament and will post the letter on here next